are printing our next set of more than half a million, (579,000)
individual dawah materials to meet this growing need inshaa’Allah.
Alhamdulillah, 300 of you have already generously donated £14,786
for this order but we need your help to raise a further £12,786 as soon
as possible for this next batch of dawah materials.
We invite YOU to be one of the special 127 people to donate only £100 or more for us to reach our target inshaa'Allah!
Donate and help us reach our goal of £27,572 and inshaa'Allah obtain an ongoing reward, a sadaqah jariyah.
know that from Prophetic ahadeeth that by making it possible
for someone to find out about and embrace Islam, you get the ongoing
reward of every good action that they do - every salaah, every fast - you get the reward!
Brothers and Sisters, do not delay in doing good whilst this final opportunity is here. DONATE NOW and help spread the message of Islam.