الجمعة، 21 مارس 2014

In Focus: 1 million people touched by the Qur'an | Street Dawah in Sweden | New Muslim Webinars | Islam Awareness Week Campaign and more...

iERA in Focus
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As-salāamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu,

Welcome to second iERA In Focus newsletter of 2014. Alhamdulillah, a number of our events and activities are underway for 2014, below are some highlights that we are delighted to share with you.
Call of Duty Dawah Training Course
In February, we held Call of Duty Dawah Training Courses in Nottingham and Birmingham where over 150 people were trained on how to convey the message of Islam in a clear and effective way. We also held a mini training course to boost local dawah activities in Bristol. Have you been trained? Click here to take our free online training or attend one of our upcoming courses.
Dawah Mission
With our national and international dawah missions rolling on, our focus has been on training and developing the next generation of du'at through these missions, training courses, workshops and webinars. To organise a dawah activities in your area click here.
Now Ready To Grow - London
As you know, giving dawah is only half the equation. The other half is on how we can empower new Muslims! At the Al-Manar Centre in Cardiff this month we ran our Now Ready To Grow course wich aims to encourage Muslims to rethink the way view new Muslims and to educate them on how to better empower New Muslims so they can become stronger in their practice of Islam. Click here to register on the next course.
Share the Qur'an!
On Monday 3rd February we kicked off our brand new #OnlineDawah project on the Qur'an. We designed this initiative for YOU to like, share, copy, repost, retweet- basically get the ayat of the Quran out there on social media. So far, from our Facebook page alone these verses of the Quran have been seen 1,745,374 times by 957,502 unique Facebook useres subhanallah. Click here to start sharing the Quran now!
Dawah Materials
Mission Dawah Online Shop - We've had yet another exciting month in the distribution department with more products going live on our Mission Dawah shop! We had an expansion on our range of existing merchandising. We now have 25 products available online ranging from postcards to hoodies.

The iERA 'Let The Message Stand Out' Wnter promotional campaign was a great success with our adults and kids clothing ranges flying off the shelf mashaa'Allah. Stock up now by going to www.MissionDawah.com/Shop
Muslim Now
This month we have welcomed more than 40 new Muslims into our education programme and sent each of them their Islam Essentials Welcome Pack.

In terms of ongoing education and development for new Muslims, our education programme for new Muslims entitled Step By Step is almost here!
Step By Step Education
Training will commence shortly with local dawah teams have been selected to run this course across the country for new Muslims in their community. This month we started a brand new initiative which is our weekly welcome webinars for New Muslims. So if you've recently taken your shahadah and become Muslim then this online welcome webinar is for you!
Welcome Webinar
Join us every Wednesday from 7PM - 8PM BST as we help you get started on your journey into Islam. Register for the next session by clicking here.
Finally, If you know any new Muslims, direct them to www.MuslimNow.com for them to register and start benefiting from our regular New Muslim newsletters, webinrs and more.
Dawah in Sweden!
In Europe - Sweden to be more precise, Abdurraheem Green joined up with our iERA team there for a conference in Märsta called Muslim i Västvärlden, organsied by Märstas Unga Muslimer and IslamGuiden.com. During his trip, he also delivered Call of Duty Dawah Training Courses in Stockholm and Boden.

After the course in Stockholm, the attendees engaged in Street Dawah with the Sweden United Dawah Centre  (SUDC). Masha’Allah, it was a great experience teaming up with another dawah organisation and it was a reminder that we’re more effective when we work together for the dawah.
iERA Canada
Over in North America, there are a number of exciting announcements in the pipeline so stay tuned over the coming months inshaa'Allah.

In Calgary, Alberta - we held a Call of Duty Dawah Training Course and it was an honour to see so many Muslims at the course eager to call people to Islam. We sincerely hope that they will be better able to do so with the skills they learned at the course.
iERA Canada
We’ve also been distributing copies of our dawah materials including The Man in the Red Underpants and The Qur’an: A Short Journey, as well as a variety of postcards, to our Dawah teams in London, Ontario and St. Catherine’s, as well as the American states of New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and New York.
Forward to Friend
With the advent of the annual Islam Awareness Week season, we've been touring universities across the UK and Ireland delivering lectures on a range of topics concerning Islamic thought, thus continuing the intellectual dawah that is necessary to shape public opinion and awareness. In addition, our academic and research team are working hard on analysing the results on the latest Muslim research, and inshaa’Allah we look forward to presenting this research in the near future.
Islamic Thought Webinar Series
This month we delivered three webinars where we brought forth the Islamic argument in the light of modern science and philosophy. We also delivered he webinar ‘Does The Qur'an Contain Scientific Miracles? A New Approach?’ where the case was made for a robust new approach in addressing the relationship between the Qur’an and modern science. 
Islamic Thought Webinar Series
Finally we held the webinar ‘The Qur’anic Argument for God’s existence’ where we showed how Allah refutes those who refuse to believe in Him, and how this argument best explains the existence of the universe. We have also developed and trained two new webinar instructors who will inshaa’Allah be able to continue the impressive work we have done in this field. 

IAW 14
We are printing our next set of over 579,000 individual dawah materials and have already raised 50% of the funds needed for this order alhamdulilah. We need your help to raise a the final £13,996 urgently for this next batch of dawah materials. Click here to donate and help us place this order and inshaa'Allah obtain an ongoing reward, a sadaqah jariyah!
iERA - Islamic Education and Research Academy

ساهم الآن في #مشروع_هدهد للتعريف بالإسلام│عبر: @HudhudDonation

ساهم الآن في #مشروع_هدهد للتعريف بالإسلام

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لربما كنت سبباً في إسلامه
كتاب أسلم بسببه المئات لـ د.ناجي العرفج

لحفر بئر أو بناء مسجد أو سقيا الماء

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حسابات دعوية على تويتر

مركز ركن الحوار الدعوة للإسلام Islam House - Arabic شبكة الإسلام الحق دار النوري للتعريف لجنة التعريف بالإسلام Al Najat Charity مكتب الدعوة بالروضة دعوة شمال الرياض - القسم النسائي مكتب الدعوة بالجبيل إسلام تويت