السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على محمد النبي الأمين وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين وبعد ..
افتتحت اليوم قسما جديدا في المدونة تحت عنوان: مساجد عبر العالم، أود أن أعرض فيه المعلومات عن المساجد عبر مختلف ربوع الأرض، من أجل التعريف بها، ورغبة في تجميع أكبر عدد من عناوين المساجد ومواقعها الإلكترونية لمن هو في حاجة إليها، وهي مناسبة لمن يسكن بالقرب منها،من غير المسلمين، لزيارتها والتعرف عليها وعلى الشعائر التي تمارس داخلها.
مسجد ناغويا
يعد مسجد "ناغويا" هو المسجد الوحيد في مدينة "ناغويا"- عاصمة مصانع تويوتا العالمية وهي ثالث مدينة يابانية من حيث الحجم بعد طوكيو وأوساكا- حيث تم تأسيس المسجد بإنشاء جمعية "ناغويا" الإسلامية على يد بعض الطلاب ورجال الأعمال المسلمين الأجانب في عام 1988م، واستغرق بناؤه عشر سنوات وقام بافتتاحه الشيخ صالح بن حميد إمام الحرم الشريف برفقة السفير السعودي في العام 1998م.
وقد استطاع القائمون على المسجد أن يسجلوه كمنظمة إسلامية دعوية في عام 2002م، وقدموا من خلاله خدمات عديدة للجالية المسلمة خلال العشر سنوات السابقة بالإضافة إلى الأنشطة الدعوية للتعريف بالإسلام.
وقد استطاع القائمون على المسجد أن يسجلوه كمنظمة إسلامية دعوية في عام 2002م، وقدموا من خلاله خدمات عديدة للجالية المسلمة خلال العشر سنوات السابقة بالإضافة إلى الأنشطة الدعوية للتعريف بالإسلام.
افتتاح المسجد عام 1998:
Nagoya Mosque is a place where Muslims can worship Allah (S.W.T.) according to the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him).
The following are the main activities of Nagoya Mosque:
- Five times prayer a day including Friday Prayers
- Different regular programs of studying Islamic teachings and Arabic language.
- Quran learning for adult: Every saturday
- Quran learning for Women Every saturday
- Free Islamic brochures, literatures and cassettes.
- Arrangements of various religious events (e.g., Eid prayers, Iftar party and Taraweeh prayers during Rammadhan, etc.).
- Lectures and Seminars occasionally by some popular Islamic scholars.
- Arrangement of Islamic marriage (nikah) and issuing stamped certificates (If one of the couple is a Japanese, a Japanese civil marriage certificate is required before Nikah is performed).
- Performance of Shahada for a person embracing Islam and issuing certificates showing their new relgion. Such certificate is useful for future matters pertaining to marriages to Muslims or traveling to Muslim countries.
History of Nagoya Mosque:
Referring to the history of Islam in Japan, the first Mosque was built in Nagoya in January 1937 at the following address: 16 Banchi 25, 3 Chome, chikusa-ku, Nagoya.
It was called “The Nagoya Muslim Mosque”.
The source of this information is a book titled: “The Nagoya Muslim Mosque: A Souvenir Booklet Issued In Commemoration Of The Opening Ceremony” published by Nagoya Turkish Tatar Islamic ssociation-January 1937.
This book has included many articles from the members of the Mosque in three languages-English, Tatar, and Japanese.
According to this book some Turk Tatar migrated from Russia during early 1920s and settled in Nagoya.
They established an association which had a Board of Trustees and Board of Directors .
In another recently published book (in 1988) by Japanese Islamic Amenity Association about the history of Islam in Japan which called “Nihon Islam-Shi” written by Muhammad Mustafa Komura Fujio (pages 300 and 301).
It is mentioned that the Mosque was built in a space of about 40 squire meters, which was two-storied, wooden and mortared frame house.
The first floor was used for worship, and there was a school for Turkish children.
At the Mosque there were about 20 Turkish members who had been engaged in Islamic Activities in Nagoya City at that time.
But they were urged to repatriate by the Turkish government as the tide of war turned against Japan during World War Two, and at last they dispersed after selling the building and the land in early 1945.
Soon after that, the building of the Mosque was burnt down by an air-raid of American B-26 plane at 8:30 in the morning of May 14th, 1945.
Since then and until 1998 no any Mosque has been built by anybody in Nagoya.
The present Nagoya Mosque is established in 1989. It is opened on July 24 of the same year.
Nagoya mosque consists of four floors.
The Islamic center and the place for ablution are in the first floor.
The second floor is for women. The third and the fourth floors are for men.
The front view of the mosque is shown in the figure.
The Islamic center and the place for ablution are in the first floor.
The second floor is for women. The third and the fourth floors are for men.
The front view of the mosque is shown in the figure.
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ناغويا: منظر عام للمدينة من على قمة أحد الأبراج |