السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته زواري الأعزاء وبعد، فإني اخترت في هذه الرسالة الجديدة أن أشنف أسماعكم بأجمل الأصوات التي أدت الأذان فتألقت في الأداء، هؤلاء المؤذنون حباهم الله موهبة عظيمة، فلما صدحوا عاليا بالتكبير أفاقت الآذان وأنصتت باهتمام بالغ. إنه النداء الذي يربطك بخالقك خمس مرات في اليوم ويدعوك لأداء الصلاة في المساجد مع الجماعة، ويذكرك بالله خالقا ومعبودا واحدا لا شريك له، ويذكرك برسولك محمد رسول العالمين صلوات ربي وسلامه عليه.
أقترح عليكم مجموعة مختارة من الأصوات لسماعها مرفوقة بتعريف للأذان باللغة الإنجليزية، نقلته لكم للفائدة وليفهم غير المسلم ماهية الأذان ويقربه من الإسلام أكثر. فلا تترددوا أحبتي الكرام في التعريف بهذه المدونة لدى أصدقائكم من غير المسلمين لعل الله يجعلكم سببا لإسلامهم فتنقذون بعضهم من النار.
Most Beautiful Azan ever heard
Super emotional ADHAN, english subtitles
Adhan by Muftah Buhaliqa
آذان الدغريري في جامع الراجحي بالرياض:
Azan by Muadin Hafiz Mustafa Özcan from turkey
أحلى آذان :best azan
Adhan from Riyadh - U never heard like this:
Question: What do the words in the adhân [call to prayer] mean?
There are seven words in the adhân.
1- Allahu akbar:
Allahu ta’âlâ is great. He needs nothing. He is so great that He does not need the worships of His slaves. Worships are of no benefit to Him.
In order to settle this well in minds, this word is repeated four times.
2- Ash'hadu an lâ ilâha ill-Allah:
Though on account of His greatness, He does not need anyone's worship. I bear witness and certainly believe that none besides Him is worthy of being worshipped. Nothing is like Him.
3- Ash'hadu anna Muhammadan rasûlullah:
I bear witness and believe that Hadrat Muhammad “alaihi wa alâ âlihissalâtu wa sallam” is the Prophet sent by Him, that he is the communicant of the way of the worships liked by Him, that only those worships communicated and shown by him are worthy of Allahu ta’âlâ.
4- and 5- Hayya‘alassalâh-hayya‘alalfalâh:
These are the two words inviting Believers to the namâz which brings happiness and salvation.
6- Allahu akbar:
No one could manage the worship worthy of Him. He is so great, so far from anybody's worship being worthy of Him or suitable for Him.
7- Lâ ilâha ill-Allah:
He, alone, has the right to be worshipped, for us to humiliate ourselves before. Along with the fact that no one can do the worship worthy of Him, no one besides Him is worthy of being worshipped.